Drafting Box - a place for drafting tools and art stuff
Oddly enough, after all the moves I've done I still have most of the drawing and drafting equipment that I've ever owned. I went around collecting it and decided to make a box to keep it in. (Note: Before computers, we used T-squares, drawing boards and triangles to "draft". And we liked it.)
Besides just making a box, I decided to make a drawing table out of it as well.
For the sake of compactness I made it so that the head of the T-square would fit outside the box. And a boxwood drafting board was attached to the top of it. The corners were finger jointed - some of my first. Finger joints are strong, make it easy to square the box during assembly, and require no external bracing. I became a true believer after this project.
Basically it is 2 boxes and a lid with a hinge on one side and a second set of hinges on the opposite side. This allows it to be used while either one set of hinges or both sets open up. It seemed like a nifty idea at the time but I have to admit that I've had very little use for this feature.
When I use it, it is usually this way, with just one side opened.
I can still get to things that are in the other tray even when I'm using it. It's not really the greatest drafting table, but it is a pretty good box for holding my drawing stuff.
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