A Personal Exploration into the Miracle of Wood

For boat building visit my other site PaddleAndOar.com
For woodworking around the yard & garden visit OldMontgomerysFarm.com

My Other Greenhouse Videos:
[ Making a dome Greenhouse / Installing a floor / Dome Entrance Retrofit /
Windows and Roof Retrofit / Re-covering the Dome ]

May 07, 2019

Re-Covering my Geodome Greenhouse

I knew this was going to be rather big project so it was easy to procrastinate. But I had the week off and I knew it was now or next year.

Each step took quite a bit of time. Tearing off, pulling staples, painting struts, cutting and stapling on new plastic, cutting and stapling on lathe. And I still had to clean it out since it had become the closet from hell over the winter.

But it's all done now and the 'real' work of seeds, soil, and plants is underway. And now we just hope this one will hold up for a while before this whole process has to be done again!

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My Other Greenhouse Videos:
[ Making a dome Greenhouse / Installing a floor / Dome Entrance Retrofit /
Windows and Roof Retrofit / Re-covering the Dome ]

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